Articles Categorized: News

Learning beyond borders: Chinese students’ educational trip to Taiwan

13名中国学生最近前往台湾进行为期12天的教育观光和学校交流计划. Splitting their time between Taipei and Yilan in eastern Taiwan, our students gained insights into the history, traditions, architecture and culture of Taiwan...


祝贺男子大学网球队在贝茨学院以5比0战胜奥罗诺红色暴乱队,连续第16次获得州冠军. Noah Stern-Rich '26 and Sebby Ovigele '24 won in straight sets at #2...


Current and former faculty and staff gathered on Tuesday, June 11 for the first-ever Honorary Alumni Ceremony and Reception, 这是一个特别的活动,纪念那些为韦恩弗莱特奉献了15年以上的人. This joyous reunion brought more than...

The Class of 2024 is off!

2024届毕业生准备进入一些令人印象深刻的学院和大学! 探索下面的列表,发现新巴黎人注册网站的毕业生将在秋季前往.  巴德学院贝茨学院波士顿学院波士顿大学鲍登学院...


Another year, another wonderful Senior Clap-In! 在wf-link上观看教职员工和学生为毕业班欢呼的完整视频.org/clapin2024.    


七年级学生最近展示了他们关于波特兰的年终设计, 探索各种主题,更深入地了解这座城市. 值得注意的项目包括丽蒂的艺术创作——一辆完全由她在波特兰收集的(消毒过的)垃圾制成的自行车...


最近,整个八年级的学生和他们的家人一起参加了有史以来第一次升学庆祝活动, 该活动旨在表彰学生在中学期间完成的所有重要工作,并在他们“升学”时制造一些兴奋。...

Check out the photo gallery from Waynflete’s All School Art Show

The All School Art Show in the Waynflete Art Gallery was an amazing, colorful way for students to brighten our campus this spring. 从空中奇观、手工陶瓷到充满活力的绘画,这场展览应有尽有, painting, 还有令人惊叹的摄影作品——甚至还有比真人还大的纸画 ch代表濒危的缅因州...

Will Barmby ’24 spreads the word about The Can We? Project

Love listening to podcasts? Give this episode a try! 资深Will Barmby加入了Waynflete的Third Thought总监John Holdridge, Maine Policy Institute’s (MPI) Chief Executive Officer Matt Gagnon, and MPI’s Director of Legislative Affairs Jacob Posik for a conversation...

The Flyers perform well at the National Science Olympiad tournament

On May 25, 15名高中学生参加了在密歇根州立大学举行的全国科学奥林匹克竞赛. 该团队在4月份赢得了缅因州科学奥林匹克竞赛,赢得了参加比赛的机会. Sixty teams with students...

Spring Fling 2024 was a great success!

感谢所有出来创造、玩和庆祝新巴黎人注册网站社区的人. It was an incredible day of connection for our community. 非常感谢韦恩弗莱特家长协会和所有参与制作《新巴黎人注册网站》的志愿者...


祝贺所有参加缅因州模拟联合国大会的高年级学生! The Flyers gave an impressive performance, earning several accolades. Luccia Moraes ’25, Omari Brent ’27, and George Tagtmeier ’26 earned “Best Delegate” awards; Aelia Russell...


Waynflete宣布了2024年德雷克奖和2024年克林根斯坦校友奖的获得者:Daniella Nichols Cameron ' 94 2024克林根斯坦校友奖获得者Daniella Nichols Cameron ' 94是2024年克林根斯坦校友奖的获得者. Waynflete’s board...

Waynflete announces 2024 Athletic Hall of Fame class

Waynflete has announced its Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2024. 名人堂评选委员会已经选出了四个人来获得这一特殊荣誉:阿曼达·沃特豪斯·伊斯格罗1998年运动员阿曼达·沃特豪斯·伊斯格罗1998年的职业生涯令人印象深刻...

Outliers Robotics team impress at world championships!

上周末,Outliers Robotics团队加入了超过60人的队伍,为这个精彩的赛季画上了句号,000 students at the FIRST World Robotics Championship in Houston! Outliers在资格赛中打出了今年的世界最高分,并获得了名次...


祝贺异类机器人团队在新英格兰锦标赛上的出色表现, where they faced off against the region’s 96 top teams. The Outliers got off to a rocky start on the first day as their robot...

Waynflete secures another victory in the Maine State Science Olympiad

Congratulations are in order! 上周末,在缅因大学举行的23项竞赛中,Waynflete继续作为缅因州科学奥林匹克冠军的统治地位. 这支球队仅仅以三分的优势击败了法尔茅斯,这说明了球队的重要性...


周末的暴风雨并没有阻止300多名学生和教育工作者参加周六韦恩弗莱特第八届年度新英格兰青年身份峰会. 超过31个由学生举办的研讨会,主题从气候正义到各种各样...

Upper School Math Team impresses in the Maine State Math Meet

祝贺高中数学队在昨天的缅因州数学比赛中获得D组第二名. 比赛中的每个问题都值3分或更多,这支队伍与冠军失之交臂...

WISP 2.第0集:韦恩弗莱特学生潜入白山的雪科学和气候变化

最近,18名中学生在新罕布什尔州的怀特山脉开始了Waynflete的冬季冰雪项目(WISP)的第二次迭代. Guided by experts like Stephanie Dolan and Dr. Susana Hancock ’03, the group explored the realms of...

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